Category: Network Services Monitoring

IPv6 Performance Monitoring: An External View on June 8, IPv6 Day

External IPv6 Monitoring for IPv6-Enabled Services

As highlighted by the upcoming IPv6 Day on June 8, the need for a new Internet Protocol (IP) is well understood and accepted in the networking industry.

Requirements for more address space, simpler address design and handling at the IP layer, better Quality of Service (QoS) support, greater security, and an increasing number of media types and Internet-capable devices have all contributed to drive the development of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).

What is less well understood certainly are aspects of how external monitoring helps identify key challenges for businesses using IPv6, specific areas for IPv6 performance monitoring, and the benefits of external IPv6 performance monitoring. Firstly, for brevity sake are some of the basic aspects of IPv6-related monitoring are noted in the grid below and the services to test and monitor. Then, a longer, detailed notes on the aspects of IPv6 as related to external monitoring.

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IPv6 Monitoring | IPv6 Performance, Network & Security Monitoring

The switch to IPv6 is jumping to light speed. On June 8, 2011 several large organizations, including Google, Yahoo, and Facebook will run a comprehensive test for switching to IPv6. If all goes well most companies will start making the switch. However, the advent of IPV6 is not without problems and the performance monitoring solutions that worked for IPv4, will not work with IPv6.

Using an active external performance monitoring service will be critical with the advent of IPv6. Network and website managers must have a true view into end-user connectivity and the ability to receive instant notification whenever a problem occurs. For instant free test tools for IPv6 performance see ServerView Monitoring™™ .

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Internet Backbone
Network Services Monitoring

The Internet Backbone for Noobs – Infographic

Deep within the very heart of your body, lurks a force so intrusive and so powerful that it would terrify you if you came face to face with it. Your backbone – which is, in fact, many bones that together hold your skeleton and the rest of your body together.

The Internet also has a backbone. And just like your backbone, the Internet backbone holds the Internet together – a network of high capacity communications routes linking local Internet networks (comprising over 35 million Internet server sites) across land and under the sea. Here is a quick look at the Internet backbone.

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Monitoring the Double Rainbow | Streaming Media Monitoring Tools

The Double Rainbow video guy is shilling for Microsoft and the stats on online videos continue on a sky rocketing uptick. Thus spoketh Double Rainbow guy “It’s so beautiful, but what does it mean?” It means that the ying of online video is in a gigantic, exuberantly crazy growth phase and that the yang of streaming media monitoring is nearby.

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