Keep the Stream Flowing – Streaming Video Monitoring


Monitor Streaming Video


With multimedia website components such as flash advertisements and visual image carousels on the rise, it is no longer enough for your company to just offer streaming video to gain that competitive edge. Conversely, it is your ability to offer the highest quality, uninterrupted video content across your website that gives you a leg up.

The Rise of Video Streaming

According to the Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG), which studied the trends and behaviors of 1,152 video consumers in the United States in 2012, 70 percent of U.S. broadband users watch professionally produced Internet video every week. Moreover, the average viewer spends more than 100 minutes per week streaming video content.

Overcoming Barriers to Seamless Streaming Video

Streaming Video Monitoring
Keep the Stream Flowing with Streaming Video Monitoring

With the advent of video streaming comes a rise in performance problems, including pixilation, buffering, and latency. Therefore, the importance of keeping the stream flowing has never been more crucial; every second of delayed video load time increases the likelihood that your target market will go elsewhere for the content.

Dotcom-Monitor’s ServerView Monitoring solution verifies that your users are enjoying uninterrupted, trouble-free playback 24/7, each and every day.  By connecting to your media server, similar to Windows Media Player, ServerView Streaming Video performs buffering by playing a stream for three to five seconds and then disconnecting from your server.

Our customers lean on our video streaming solution to monitor:

  • Connection rates
  • Buffering times
  • Received packages
  • Average bytes per second
  • Frame times

What You’ll Gain from Monitoring your Video Streams

Dotcom-Monitor’s streaming video monitoring solution is capable of not only ensuring uptime—by sending out real-time alerts about connection time outs and media stream errors—but also enhancing overall performance by providing analysis and detailed reports including built-in Service Level Agreement (SLA) reports, real-time dashboards, .pdfs, XML, Excel, text, and live interactive drill down charts and graphs.

For more on how to guarantee seamless video streaming with constant network monitoring, see our Streaming Media Server Monitoring platform page.

~ photo credit: {cc} ~

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